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Turkey Trot Art Contest

Turkey Trot Art Contest Update! It's time to VOTE!

Thank you to those who submitted artworks! Everyone did a fantastic job!

It is time to vote for your favorite artworks. 

Voting period
2021-10-18 02:30 PM - 2021-10-22 08:00 PM

Please use the following steps:

  1. Pick your grade:  TK/K  •  1st  •  2nd  •  3rd  •  4th  •  5th
  2. Pick your favorite artwork by clicking/tapping on the circle under the artwork
  3. Input your name & last name, and “Proceed as guest”
  4. Fill up the Participant little form and hit “Save”
  5. You still have 4 more votes to distribute into your other favorite artworks
  6. After you are done with your 5 votes, hit “Complete participation” on the bottom of screen
  7. You or any other participants can “Go back” and vote for their favorite artworks in any grades
  8. Questions? We are always here for you

Encino Charter Elementary Students in all grades are encouraged to participate in the Turkey Trot Art Contest. The Contest Art board came home with students on Monday 10/04. Artworks will be collected by teachers. Please make sure to complete the information section on the bottom of the artwork. Questions:

Turkey Trot Art Contest information:

• Use the provided art board and get creative! Pick ONE element and make your best art piece with Turkey Trot/Thanksgiving theme. If you need extra Download hereI

• Use any medium you like (Marker, crayon, color pencil, watercolor, etc.). Make sure your artwork is flat, no collage please! 

• Grab a friend, if that's what you'd prefer! The artwork can be created by two or three artists! In that case, make sure to include ALL artists' names.

• Turn your artwork to your teacher before October 13th.

• Voting will take place online October 18-23rd. Winners for each grade will be announced October 24th.

• There will be one winner for each grade. The winning artworks will be printed on Turkey Trot T-shirts! 

• All submitted artworks will be displayed in an outdoor gallery before Turkey Trot.