Turkey Trot Art Contest Update! It's time to VOTE!
Thank you to those who submitted artworks! Everyone did a fantastic job!
It is time to vote for your favorite artworks.
Voting period
2021-10-18 02:30 PM - 2021-10-22 08:00 PM
Please use the following steps:
- Pick your grade: TK/K • 1st • 2nd • 3rd • 4th • 5th
- Pick your favorite artwork by clicking/tapping on the circle under the artwork
- Input your name & last name, and “Proceed as guest”
- Fill up the Participant little form and hit “Save”
- You still have 4 more votes to distribute into your other favorite artworks
- After you are done with your 5 votes, hit “Complete participation” on the bottom of screen
- You or any other participants can “Go back” and vote for their favorite artworks in any grades
- Questions? We are always here for you eteam@encinoelementary.net
Encino Charter Elementary Students in all grades are encouraged to participate in the Turkey Trot Art Contest. The Contest Art board came home with students on Monday 10/04. Artworks will be collected by teachers. Please make sure to complete the information section on the bottom of the artwork. Questions: eteam@encinoelementary.net
Turkey Trot Art Contest information:
• Use the provided art board and get creative! Pick ONE element and make your best art piece with Turkey Trot/Thanksgiving theme. If you need extra Download hereI
• Use any medium you like (Marker, crayon, color pencil, watercolor, etc.). Make sure your artwork is flat, no collage please!
• Grab a friend, if that's what you'd prefer! The artwork can be created by two or three artists! In that case, make sure to include ALL artists' names.
• Turn your artwork to your teacher before October 13th.
• Voting will take place online October 18-23rd. Winners for each grade will be announced October 24th.
• There will be one winner for each grade. The winning artworks will be printed on Turkey Trot T-shirts!
• All submitted artworks will be displayed in an outdoor gallery before Turkey Trot.